Podcasts & Media

Podcasts/Media (as Host)

Dates: September 3, 2018 - Present

Co-host, along with Jeffery Heil and Donnie Piercey, of the Partial Credit podcast. Our podcast focuses on looking at educational issues through a bit of a different lens often incorporating games and popular culture. We are a proud part of the Education Podcast Network.

Dates: April 21, 2020 - Present

Co-host, along with the leadership team of Ready Learner One , of the Ready Learner One Lounge. Through the support of Microsoft and AltspaceVR, this virtual reality based show featured guests in both the education and corporate spaces and centered around discussions of what learning looks like in different settings and through different roles. From actors to teachers to CEOs to futurists, we feature expert minds from across the learning spectrum.

Podcasts/Media (as Guest)

Released: February 27, 2024

Featured guest on the The Business of Education Podcast with Kyle Wallgren. We discussed the evolution of technology in education, the challenges of adoption, and the role of AI in enhancing learning experiences. They explore the importance of creative learning, teacher well-being, and strategies for effective EdTech adoption, emphasizing the need for practical applications that improve teaching and learning outcomes.

Released: February 20, 2024

Featured guest on the 10 Minute Teacher Podcast with Vicki Davis. We discussed practical tips and ideas for teachers to empower their students through creativity. Whether you're a seasoned Adobe user or new to the platform, this episode is packed with valuable insights and resources.

Released: July 2, 2023

Featured guest on the Brainwaves Video Anthology series which is a collection of over 2,000 videos with 5.5 million views in 234 countries. It features "the thinkers, dreamers and innovators; some of the brightest minds in education" including Yong Zhao, Gloria Ladson-Billings, Cornel West, Sir Ken Robinson, Henry Louis Gates, and Noam Chomsky. This was recorded in Philadelphia, PA in June, 2023. I recorded two videos. The first (which is linked to the left) was about finding creative opportunities for students during the age of AI. The second video was about the teacher who made the biggest impact in my life.

Released: September 25, 2022

Featured guest on the NETAGo podcast. Host Heather Callihan interviewed me to discuss my keynote at the Nebraska Fall Ed Tech Conference in Kearney, Nebraska. We discussed my journey in education as well as creativity in the classroom and the various sessions I would be presenting on at the conference.

Released: September 1, 2022

Featured guest on the season premiere of Utah Education Network Homeroom podcast. Along with fellow Adobe Education Evangelists Lindsey Blass, Martin Cisneros, Wezi Thindwa, and Claudio Zavala Jr., we discussed strategies for reigniting creativity in the classroom. We also shared expert tips on how educators can encourage creativity with their students.

Released: January 27, 2022

Featured guest on the EduTechGuys Conference Coverage podcast for the 2022 Future of Education Technology® (FETC) conference. Along with Dr. Micah Shippee, we shared the work we've been doing with Ready Learner One in the professional learning space.

Released: November 18, 2021

Featured guest on episode 124 of The Out of the Trenches podcast with host Dana Goodier. We discussed our Ready Learner One and Dave Burgess Consulting Inc. books, The E-Sports Playbook:  Empowering Every Learner Through Inclusive Gaming and Reality Bytes: Innovative Learning Using Augmented and Virtual Reality and, more specifically, uses of augmented and virtual reality in the classroom as well as ways that educators can personalize professional development.

Released: October 30, 2021

Featured guest on the Heads Down, Two Thumbs Up podcast with hosts Bill Selak and Carla Silver. We spoke about The Karate Kid, the iconic 1984 movie staring Ralph Macchio as the young Karate student of Mr. Miyagi played by Pat Morita. Aside from my fandom of the film and the series Cobra Kai, we spoke about the educational connections and lessons learned from the film. There's also a b-side episode which contains my full interview.

Released: October 26, 2021

Featured guest along with my Partial Credit podcast co-hosts Donnie Piercey and Jeffery Heil on episode 66 of the Educational Duct Tape podcast hosted by Jake Miller. This episode was the first part of a two part crossover between Jake's show and the Partial Credit podcast. On this episode, Donnie, Jeff, and I share some of our favorite Geo tools and resources for educators to use in the classroom.

Released: October 1, 2021

Featured guest on the THRIVEinEDU show with Melody McAllister and Dr. Rachelle Dené Poth. We discussed the role of esports in education and our Dave Burgess Consulting Inc. book. The E-Sports Playbook:  Empowering Every Learner Through Inclusive Gaming. We also talked about how the pandemic has caused some major shifts in the work we do in schools.

Released: September 28, 2021

Featured guest on ViewSonic's webinar series for educators where my Partial Credit podcast co-hosts, Donnie Piercey and Jeffery Heil, joined me and hosts Michelle Hu and Bari Gersten to talk about how the myViewBoard™ Suite of software tools help to deliver success in the classroom. In this video we share a bunch of our tips and tricks.

Released: September 21, 2021

Featured guest on EdTech Magazine's piece on reconnecting in the new school year. We shared what we are most excited about now that students are back in classrooms as well as what we learned over the past 18 months of online learning and how we’re bringing these lessons with us into the new school year.

Released: September 19, 2021

Featured guest on episode 96 of The EdTech Take Out podcast which features bite-sized technology tips for teachers and is hosted by Mindy Cairney and Jonathan Wylie.  This series is designed to  recap educational events and conferences. The focus of this episode was to discuss the role of esports in education and our Dave Burgess Consulting Inc. book. The E-Sports Playbook:  Empowering Every Learner Through Inclusive Gaming.  We also discussed some news in the world of education technology and shared some tech tips and tricks. I shared one of my favorite websites we shared on the Partial Credit podcast, Sesame Street Fighter.

Released: July 28, 2021

Featured guest on the After The Bell series on #PassTheScopeEDU. This series is designed to  recap educational events and conferences. This episode was focused on recapping the 2021 ChangeMaker EDU Virtual Conference which I both presented at and helped organize. Along with hosts Dr. Toutoule Ntoya, Valerie Lewis, and Brian Smith Sr., I discussed the changing landscape of professional learning and how the ChangeMaker event provided a glimpse into how we can democratize high quality professional development for educators in all schools. We were also joined by guests Dr. Natasha Rachell and Eric Curts.

Released: July 19, 2021

Featured guest on EdTech Magazine's ISTELIVE21 video piece on esports. We discussed how K–12 school districts can build esports programs that support a variety of diverse student interests. These teams can help students build the same skills that traditional sports teach, and they can include any type of student. 

Released: July 17, 2021

Featured guest on episode 107 of the BeerEDU Podcast with Kyle Anderson and Ben Dickson. We discussed the return to in-person professional development as well as  the need for virtual, synchronous, and asynchronous options. We also talked about the ChangeMaker EDU 2021 virtual conference I helped organize and how students participating in Esports are just as much athletes as traditional student-athletes, and much, much more! 

Released: July 13, 2021

Featured guest on episode 32 of the Coaching You Through All Things Education podcast featuring Ann Hlabangana-Clay. We discussed the chapter I wrote as part of the #100StopSeries book 100 No Nonsense Thing That All Teachers Should Stop Doing. My chapter encouraged educators to stop feeling stupid if they don't know something. We also discussed my work at Ready Learner One and the ChangeMaker EDU 2021 Conference that I presented at and helped organize.

Released: July 5, 2021

Featured guest on the Unlocking Unlimited Potential Stories podcast featuring Dr. Brandon Beck. I appeared as part of the Summer Thrive series of episodes focused on sharing out best practices for educators looking to further their own earning during the summer. We discussed my work at Ready Learner One and the ChangeMaker EDU 2021 Conference that I helped put together to provide free professional development to over 2000 educators.

Released: April 30, 2021

Featured guest on episode 34 of the Schoolish podcast, hosted by Mike Yates. We discussed the benefits of esports in schools, AR and VR tools for the classroom, Ready Learner One programs to support teachers with technology and our Ready Learner One and Dave Burgess Consulting Inc. books, The E-Sports Playbook:  Empowering Every Learner Through Inclusive Gaming and Reality Bytes: Innovative Learning Using Augmented and Virtual Reality.

Released: April 29, 2021

Featured guest on DBC Inc.'s Thursday Night Hangout PD series designed to provide educators with inspirational ideas they can use in their classrooms and schools. We discussed student inclusion strategies centered around my books The Esports Education Playbook: Empowering Every Learner Through Inclusive Gaming,  Reality Bytes: Innovative Learning Using Augmented and Virtual Reality, and an upcoming project on student innovation and inventor mindsets.

Released: April 22, 2021

Featured guest on the After The Bell series on #PassTheScopeEDU. This series is designed to  recap educational events and conferences. This episode was focused on recapping the 2021 Power Up! Conference which I keynoted. Along with hosts Dr. Toutoule Ntoya, Valerie Lewis, and Brian Smith Sr., I discussed the themes from my keynote of classroom innovation and how we can identify and promote it. Then joined by fellow guests Wiley Brazier IV,  Dr. Perry Daniel, Jen Giffen, and Ray Parris, we discussed ways that educators can build support systems for themselves.

Released: April 16, 2021

Featured guest on episode 26 of The Liberated Educator podcast, hosted by Ken Shelton and Dee Lanier. We discussed the use of comics and graphic novels as a learning vehicle in the classroom (with a great dialogue about “mantle making” and The Falcon And Winter Soldier), shared lessons that educators can learn from Prince’s music career, and talked about the role that originality and trademark plays in terms of how we identify innovation in schools.

Released: March 24, 2021

Featured guest on episode 2 of the Classroom in the Future podcast, hosted by James Sanders. We talked about the future of education and the potential of AR and VR both in and out of the classroom. I also may have thrown in some good food recommendations for anyone in New York, Chicago, or Los Angeles.

Released: February 22, 2021

Featured guest on episode 199 of the Teach Me, Teacher podcast, hosted by Jacob Chastain. This was the second of two parts. We discussed the benefits of esports in schools, AR and VR tools for the classroom, and our Ready Learner One and Dave Burgess Consulting Inc. books, The E-Sports Playbook:  Empowering Every Learner Through Inclusive Gaming and Reality Bytes: Innovative Learning Using Augmented and Virtual Reality.

Released: February 15, 2021

Featured guest on episode 198 of the Teach Me, Teacher podcast, hosted by Jacob Chastain. This was the first of two parts. We discussed how technology is being used in the classroom and where it could be going. We also talked about the role of paper and phones in school and touched on the pros and cons of professional development for education technology.

Released: December 19, 2020

Featured guest on episode 129 of Aspire: The Leadership Development Podcast with Joshua Stamper. Among other things we discussed the benefits of esports in schools, AR and VR tools for the classroom, Ready Learner One programs to support teachers with technology and our Ready Learner One and Dave Burgess Consulting Inc. books, The E-Sports Playbook:  Empowering Every Learner Through Inclusive Gaming and Reality Bytes: Innovative Learning Using Augmented and Virtual Reality.

Released: December 10, 2020

Featured guest on the OnEducation podcast with Mike Washburn and Glen Irvin. We talked about the benefits of esports in education and our new book Ready Learner One and Dave Burgess Consulting Inc. book, The E-Sports Playbook:  Empowering Every Learner Through Inclusive Gaming

Released: December 6, 2020

Featured guest on the season finale, episode 14, of Ed Talks Live Season 2, The Global Education Talk Show, broadcast live from Dubai. This episode was all about understanding the importance of emerging technologies such as esports and virtual reality in education and beyond. 

Released: December 5, 2020

Featured guest on episode 89 of the Leader of Learning podcast with Dr. Dan Kreiness. We discussed emerging technologies such as augmented and virtual technology and their place in education as well as the emergence of esports in schools. We also touched on some of the challenges faced by schools to pursue innovation during the pandemic and how to address those concerns. We also talked about the books I co-authored, Reality Bytes: Innovative Learning Using Augmented and Virtual Reality and The E-Sports Playbook:  Empowering Every Learner Through Inclusive Gaming

Released: November 30, 2020

Featured guest on The House of #EdTech podcast as part of their ISTE 2020 series. We discussed highlights from the second day of the ISTE 2020 conference and discussed both the short term and long term effects of COVID-19 on large-scale learning conferences and the trickle-down effect on teaching and learning.

Released: November 29, 2020

Featured guest on episode 36 of the DBC Inc. Book Birthday series to celebrate the launch of the The Esports Education Playbook: Empowering Every Learner Through Inclusive Gaming. My co-authors and I discussed the book and the benefits it could have for educators, parents, and students.

Released: November 12, 2020

Featured guest on the Adobe Creative Educator livestream show. We discussed the Adobe Creative Educator program and how edtech, innovation, and creativity are all related. We also talked about the ISTE standards and how they can be used by educators to shape their instruction. I then shared an elementary lesson I co-created as part of Adobe and Flipgrid's new partnership.

Released: November 7, 2020

Featured speaker at a free virtual summit for educators focused on 'Engaging Math and Science Students in the Remote/Hybrid Classroom..' Participated in a roundtable where we discussed lessons learned with regards to remote/hybrid learning in math and science classrooms and then presented on how to support math teachers through the use of innovative tools that provide real-world applications of math concepts.

Released:  November 3, 2020

Panel moderator for the discussion 'Preparing students for jobs that don’t exist yet? ' which was part of the EduTech Asia 2020 event. Panelists included Bhupinder Gogia, Principal, Sat Paul Mittal School; Emin Huseynov, Head of School, Horizon Japan International School; and Mike Gimour, Deputy Principal Primary Years, GEMS World Academy (Singapore). We discussed what are the needs of a modern learner? For K12 students, the environment they will emerge into once their school years end is going to be vastly different from when they started their education. How can educators prepare students for an uncertain future? What skills are needed; are there evergreen dispositions such as emotional intelligence to help support learners as they go along?

Released: October 23, 2020

Featured guest on episode 26 of the Pushing Boundaries podcast.  We discussed the XR ABC Framework we created to easily integrate emergent technology into classrooms. We also talked about the books I co-authored, Reality Bytes: Innovative Learning Using Augmented and Virtual Reality and The E-Sports Playbook:  Empowering Every Learner Through Inclusive Gaming

Released: October 22, 2020

Featured guest on episode 12 of the Imagineering Education podcast. We did an exploration of the benefits of incorporating augmented and virtual reality into the classroom, as well as discussed the rise in popularity of bringing esports into schools to reach a diverse cross-section of students. We also talked about the books I co-authored, Reality Bytes: Innovative Learning Using Augmented and Virtual Reality and The E-Sports Playbook:  Empowering Every Learner Through Inclusive Gaming

Released: October 13, 2020

Featured guest on episode 29 of the The Pixel Classroom podcast. We talked about the difference between gamfication and gaming and about how esports has really began to become an amazing part of not only education, but in the world, especially during COVID-19. We also talked about the books I co-authored, Reality Bytes: Innovative Learning Using Augmented and Virtual Reality and The E-Sports Playbook:  Empowering Every Learner Through Inclusive Gaming

Released: September 24, 2020

Featured guest on episode 45 of the VR in Education podcast. We discussed Augmented and Virtual Reality in education and the growth of Esports. I talked about the books I co-authored, Reality Bytes: Innovative Learning Using Augmented and Virtual Reality and The E-Sports Playbook:  Empowering Every Learner Through Inclusive Gaming

Released: September 12, 2020

Featured guest on episode 24 of the My EdTech Life podcast. We discussed augmented and virtual reality in education and the growth of esports. I talked about the effect that these have fast growing industries are having in education.  

Released: July 22, 2020

Featured guest on the Infused Classroom EduSlam show. I shared several workflows that introduce educators to using emergent technologies in both in-person and remote learning environments.

Released: June 26, 2020

Featured guest on episode 55 of the The Get Inspired and Innovate podcast. We discussed the current state of education as well as shared a number of strategies and tools to help educators and students.

Released: May 13, 2020

Featured guest on the third episode of Partial Credit Web Series powered by Pear Deck. This web series was designed to support remote learning during the pandemic. We highlighted uses of Pear Deck to support asynchronous learning in virtual environments. This episode we focused on the use of Pear Deck's audio tools.

Released: May 8, 2020

Featured guest on episode 123 of the The Suite Talk podcast. We discussed augmented reality and virtual reality as tools to enhance teaching and learning.

Released: May 7, 2020

Featured guest on the DBC Inc. Teacher Appreciation Series on Facebook Live. This series invited authors to come on and talk about teachers who have inspired them as part of National Teacher Appreciation Month.

Released: May 3, 2020

Featured speaker for the Rotary eClub of Silicon Valley. The Rotary eClub of Silicon Valley seeks to explore perspectives on service from across the world. Along with my Ready Learner One co-founders, Dr. Micah Shippee and Christine Lion-Bailey, we presented a session called "Adopting Meaningful Change Meaningfully" where we discussed initiatives to provide a critical lens to find, support, and develop meaningful solutions to a variety of challenges using emergent technologies. 

Released: April 16, 2020

Featured guest on the second episode of Partial Credit Web Series powered by Pear Deck. This web series was designed to support remote learning during the pandemic. We highlighted uses of Pear Deck to support social emotional learning in virtual environments.

Released: April 10, 2020

Featured guest on the third episode of the "Two EdTech Guys Take Questions (and share cool stuff)" web series hosted by Ruston Hurley and Richard Byrne. Richard couldn't make it so Holly Clark and I stepped in and this special episode which turned the show into "Three EdTech Folks Take Questions (and share cool stuff)."  We shared education technology resources that could help teachers during the pandemic.

Released: April 8, 2020

Participated in the Meet the Authors session at the Virtual Spring CUE 2020 conference where I shared information on our Dave Burgess Consulting Inc. book. Reality Bytes: Innovative Learning Using Augmented and Virtual Reality.

Released: April 7, 2020

Featured guest on the first episode of Partial Credit Web Series powered by Pear Deck. This web series was designed to support remote learning during the pandemic. We highlighted uses of Pear Deck to support both synchronous and asynchronous hybrid and remote learning.

Released: February 6, 2020

Featured guest on the first Infused Classroom EduSlam show. Recorded LIVE at the 2020 TCEA (Texas Computer Education Association)  Convention in Austin, Texas. I demoed some uses of augmented reality technologies in the classroom.

Released: Jan. 17, 2020

Featured guest on the OnEducation podcast with Mike Washburn and Glen Irvin. Recorded live at FETC 2020, we talked about my Ready Learner One book, Reality Bytes: Innovative Learning Using Augmented and Virtual Reality, and the impact of emergent technology on teaching and learning. About halfway through, Chris Aviles, my co-author on another upcoming book project stopped by and we discussed the state of esports in education.

Released: Jan. 16, 2020

Featured guest on The Virtual Reality Podcast with Amanda Fox, James McCrary and Steven Sato along with Ready Learner One co-founders Christine Lion-Bailey and Dr. Micah Shippee. Recorded live at FETC 2020, we talked about our work at Ready Learner One as well as our book, Reality Bytes: Innovative Learning Using Augmented and Virtual Reality. 

Released: Sept. 28, 2019

Featured guest on episode 30 of the The Innovative Educator Podcast with Ingvi Omarsson. Discussed my start in education, trends in education, and the release of Reality Bytes: Innovative Learning Using Augmented and Virtual Reality.

Released: Sept. 23, 2019

Featured guest on episode 91 of the The Suite Talk podcast. Discussed Google Geo Tools and shared some of my favorite strategies for integrating them into teaching and learning.

Released: Feb. 10, 2019

Featured guest on episode 22 of the EduFuturists podcast. Discussed trends in education with co-hosts Ben Whitaker and Dan Fitzpatrick.

Released: Sept. 5, 2018

Featured guest on the season 6 premiere (episode 87) of the DadsInEd podcast with co-hosts Devin Schoening and Josh Allen.